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Bristan Evo

9 Products

In recent times, bathing and showering has been raised to new levels with a range of exotic looking accessories and fixtures determining the overall aesthetics of the bathroom. For shower enthusiasts who believe in nothing but the best, Bristan presents, Evo, which not only features overhead showers ranging in size and spray patterns but an array of accessories. Bristan Evo accessories and fixtures glamourise the bathroom and give you enthralling showering experiences.

Why Bristan Evo Happens To Be The Best?

Bristan, over the last 35 years has carved a niche for itself in the showers and taps market in the UK. One in every five homes in the UK is believed to be equipped with Bristan products. Bristan Evo elements are a perfect blend of beauty, quality and durability. Its showering appliances go down to the very basics like shower hose, shower riser rail, shower handset and shower kit. Each one of them comes to you with Bristan’s assurance of quality par excellence and, of course, the ethereal looks.

Bristan Evo Adjustable Shower Riser Rail
Now Rating: Brand Review Star
£25.07 RRP £43.00
Bristan Evo Rub Clean Chrome Handset
Now Rating: Brand Review Star
£11.97 RRP £20.00