This is a well constructed bath with a solid quality feel about it. Unfortunately the design of the bath makes it only suitable for small people. Because of the size of my bathroom I was limited in the choice of baths because I was restricted by size. This bath was recommended by the company who renovated my bathroom. I made a mistake by not viewing the bath before hand. I researched the bath online and it appeared to be a standard bath. The problem is that there is a large angled slope at the non tap end, which I assume is design to make it easier to sit up in the bath, but is not obvious when viewing online. This effectively reduces the length of what is already a small bath making it harder to lie down fully. The bath narrows in the middle where the handles are which means I cannot put my arms down by my side. I am average height (5 foot 10) and relatively slim, yet this bath was only just big enough for me. I think the design of this bath is poor because it makes a small bath even smaller for no real reason.