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Corner Wash Basins

These days, when it comes to basin design choices, the space-saver continues to be a firm favourite with the homeowners. If you have a compact bathroom, then corner basin would fit effortlessly, and occupy less space than standard or large basins. They prove to be highly beneficial when there is a need to maximize available space. They make good use of tight, corner spaces and can be installed with minimal effort. There is a lot you can look forward to at our online store when it comes to the selection of basins. We have displayed space-saver basins for cloakrooms. Feel Free to browse through our series and pick the right one based on your requirement.

20 Products
More info rak / CO2601AWHA
Product Variation Available

RAK Compact Corner Basin Wall Mounted - W 440 x 360mm

£53.55 £119.00 2.5 Stars
More info geberit / 501.519.00.6
Product Variation Available

Geberit Selnova Compact Corner 1 Tap Hole Handrinse Basin

£76.14 £112.74 Stars
More info idealstandard / E792801
Product Variation Available

Ideal Standard Concept Arc 45cm Corner Handrinse Basin

£102.44 £170.86 4 Stars
£183.01 £305.02 Stars
£288.51 £467.27 Stars